Monday, January 24, 2011

Getting cultured...KL style

With the plethora of amazing architecture, food, sights and shopping that Malaysia has to offer, of course we all took the opportunity to drink in a little bit of the heady mix that is KL's finest...

View from our room at the Pullman
On the drive through Putrajaya
Glimpse of a Mosque
Just like Hollywood


View from the Putrajaya convention centre biggie

On a mosque visit with some of the participants and speakers on the last day of the XML lab

Jedi garb for modesty purposes during one of the mosque visits

Inside the mosque....aaaah the serenity

Alex Laurant and a couple of pink Jedi listening to a religious talk

The famed KLCC towers

Leah enjoying some prawn noodles at The Pavilion food court

Out and about on the streets of KL

Indulging at Times Square

The longest strip of foot massage shops you will ever see 

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